Tomás Bartoletti

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Publications (Selection)

2024, Bartoletti, T. “Hunting and Masculine Knowledge: A Swiss Naturalist in South America and the Coloniality of Nineteenth-Century Science”, Isis: Journal of the History of Science Association 115:4, 776-798. external page

2024, Bartoletti, T. “Amazonia and the Limits of (Western) History: Unearthing Radical Cartographies”. Amazônía: gta papers 9, 105-121.

2024, Bartoletti, T. and Schär, B. eds. “Formative Spaces of Empire: Masculinities and Outdoor Experiences c. 1860-1960.” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 52, 2. external page

2024, Bartoletti, T. and López-Labourdette, A., eds. “Convivialidad multiespecie en América Latina y el Caribe. Apuntes sobre entomologías situadas y estéticas invertebradas”. 452ºF: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada 30. (University of Barcelona.) external page

2023, Bartoletti, T. “Global Territorialization and Mining Frontiers in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: Capitalist Anxieties and the Circulation of Knowledge between British and Habsburgian Imperial Spaces, ca. 1820–1850.” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 65(1), 81-114. external page

2023, Bartoletti, T. “The Transimperial Emergence of Pest Control Research: Economic Entomology between Europe and the Tropical World, c. 1890–1930.” Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 32: 6, 704–725.
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2022, Bartoletti, T. “Ethnophilology and colonial demonology: Towards a global history of early modern superstition.” Global Intellectual History, 7:1, 1-27. external page

2019, Bartoletti, T. “Greek divination from an Amerindian perspective: reconsidering ‘nature’ in mantike”. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 9 (2): 334-358. external page


Public Outreach (Selection)

2024 - 2025, Exhibition project at the Natural History Museum in Neuchâtel:
Naming Natures: Natural History and Colonial Legacy. Swiss National Science Foundation. Science Communication Agora Scheme. external page

Since 2019, Contributions for WOZ: Die Wochenzeitung (Zürich) on Latin American politics and society. external page

Jan. 2021, TV Report, Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) “Johann Jakob von Tschudi: Naturforscher und Rassist”:
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