Tomás Bartoletti


In preparation: After Humboldt: German Science and Economic Entrepreneurships in Nineteenth-Century South America

2022, Bartoletti, T. Poíesis y cosmopolítica de los oráculos griegos. Otra historia de la adivinación antigua y su recepción moderna. Buenos Aires/Madrid: Miño y Dávila.

Articles in Journals and Anthologies

Accepted: Bartoletti, T. M. Sánchez, et all. “From fossil trader to paleontologist: on Swiss‑born naturalist Santiago Roth and his scientific contributions”. Swiss Journal of Paleontology.

2023, Bartoletti, T. “Global Territorialization and Mining Frontiers in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: Capitalist Anxieties and the Circulation of Knowledge between British and Habsburgian Imperial Spaces, ca. 1820–1850.” Comparative Studies in Society and History, 65(1), 81-114. external page

2023, Bartoletti, T. “The Transimperial Emergence of Pest Control Research: Economic Entomology between Europe and the Tropical World, c. 1890–1930.” Comparativ: Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung 32: 6, 704–725. external page

2022, Bartoletti, T. “Ethnophilology and colonial demonology: Towards a global history of early modern superstition.” Global Intellectual History, 7:1, 1-27. external page

2022, Bartoletti, T. “Cartography in Translation between Ouro Preto and Gotha, c.1850–1860.” Imago Mundi: International Journal for the History of Cartography, 74:1, 63-81. external page

2020, Bartoletti, T., Serrano-Villavicencio, J., Bueno, C. “Mammals collected by Johann Jakob von Tschudi in Peru during 1838-1842 for the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel (Switzerland)”, Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi.

2019, Bartoletti, T. “Greek divination from an Amerindian perspective: reconsidering ‘nature’ in mantike”. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 9 (2): 334-​358. external page

 2016, Bartoletti, T. “El oráculo griego en la época de la producibilidad escrita: la crisis de la autoridad mántica en Aves (960-996) de Aristófanes”, Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos 26, España.

2016, Bartoletti, T. “Teatralizando el espectáculo: metacognición en las escenas mánticas de Esquilo (Pers. 177-231; A. 1130-1295)”. Phaos. Revista de Estudos Clássicos 16, Brasil.

2015, Bartoletti, T. “Una gota en el océano. La producción de SEO black hat y el dilema sobre el derecho a la búsqueda relevante”, Hipertextos: Capitalismo, Técnica y Sociedad en debate 5, Argentina.

2015, Bartoletti, T. “Huelga de golondrinas: la animalización genérica en el oráculo de Lisístrata (vv.762-780)”, Praesentia 16, Venezuela.

2015, Bartoletti, T. “Oráculos burlados y enigmas cómicos en Caballeros de Aristófanes”, Emérita 81 II, España.

2012, Review of “Marina Rieznik: Los cielos del sur: los observatorios astronómicos de Córdoba y La Plata, 1870-1920,” Dossier “Sujetos y objetos en la historiografía reciente sobre Ciencia y Técnica.” Rey Desnudo 1. Argentina.

2011, “La máscara del adivino: metáforas de la mántica en el Banquete de Platón”, Argos 33, Argentina.

Peer-Reviews (Special Editions)

Accepted: Bartoletti, T. and Schär, B. eds. “Formative Spaces of Empire: Masculinities and Outdoor Experiences c. 1860-1960.” The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History.

In preparation: López-Labourdette, A., Bartoletti, T. eds. “Pulsión entomológica e imaginarios invertebrados en América Latina y el Caribe”. 452ºFRevista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada (University of Barcelona.)

Book Contributions

Forthcoming: Bartoletti, T. “Erforschen, Sammeln und Bewahren. Schweizer Forschungsreisende in kolonialen Gebieten”. In Die Schweiz und der Kolonialismus, eds. Pascale Meyer, Marina Amstadt, Raphael Schwere and Marilyn Umurungi (Landesmuseum Zürich, Scheidegger & Spiess).

2022, Bartoletti, T. “Aided-by-Ink’s Son and Mistery’s Great-Grandson: Wisdom and Oracular Literature in Classical China and Ancient Greece.” In After Wisdom. Sapiential Traditions and Ancient Scholarship in Comparative Perspective, ed. Glenn Most and Michael Puett (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill)

2019, Bartoletti, T. “Popular wisdom and the construction of deliberative expertise in Classical Athens”, in M. Nebelin ed., Beiträge zur Geschichte der europäischen Antike und ihrer Rezeption. Berlin.

2015, Bartoletti, T. “Conjuros y espectros caníbales en torno a la producción escultórica de Juana Azurduy en la exESMA”, in L. Padín ed., El vuelco latinoamericano. De Cristóbal Colón a Juana Azurduy, Universidad de Lanús.

2011, “pôs phráso télos; Casandra narradora: la travesía del lógos por el tiempo”, in E. Rodríguez Cidre and E. Buis eds., La pólis sexuada: normas, disturbios y transgresiones del género en la Grecia Antigua. Universidad de Buenos Aires.


Nov. 2024, Exhibition project Natural History Museum of Neuchatel: “Naming Natures: On the trails of the Swiss Humboldt”. Swiss National Science Foundation. Science Communication Agora Scheme. external page

Nov. 2021, Digital article. Uni Luzern News. Toni Rasic: “Was ein Schweizer Jäger im Regenwald über Männlichkeit und Macht aussagt”. external page

Jan. 2021, TV Reportage, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) “Johann Jakob von Tschudi: Naturforscher und Rassist”: external page

Nov. 2020, Newspaper article, Schaffhauser Nachrichten 18th Nov. A. Schiendorfer: “Ein Jäger als Naturforschender“. external page


Fall Semester 2024: Confirmed invited talks: Graduate Institute Geneva of International and Development Studies (International History and Politics Forum); Goethe University of Frankfurt; University of Ghent; École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris.

February 2023, “Insect Collections and the History of Capitalism: Economic Entomology in Plantations ca. 1890-1930”. Pluralizing Teaching and Researching. ETH Zürich. (invited talk)

September 2022, “Economic Entomology and Commodity Frontiers in the Tropical World, c. 1890-1930: Towards a Multi-Species History of Global Capitalism”. Histories of Capitalism in Europe and the World. Graduate Institute, Geneva. (invited talk)

June 2022, Convener of Panel “Global Entomologies in the Age of Empire.” Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences, Geneva.

April 2022, “Pest Control and Commodity Frontiers: Global Dynamics of Economic Entomology“, ReCentGlobe Annual Conference, University of Leipzig (invited talk)

April 2022, “Swiss Clocks for Amazonian Monkeys: Natural History and Global Bourgeoisie in the Mid-Nineteenth Century”. Ciclo ISEMinari: ‘Storie Materiali – Storie Globali’, Università degli Studi di Firenze (invited talk)

Nov. 2021, “A Swiss Hunter in the Peruvian Rainforest: Natural History and Masculinities in the Mid-Nineteenth Century”. Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums, Univ. Luzern. (invited talk)

May 2021, “Mining and Cartography in Brazil: Circulation of Knowledge between British and Habsburgian Imperial Spaces, ca. 1820-1850“. Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte nach 1800. Historisches Institut der Universität Bern. (invited talk)

April 2021,  “Cartografía y minería global: Las conexiones británico-austríacas en Minas Gerais 1800-1840.” Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte Lateinamerikas, Freie Universität Berlin. (invited talk)

Jan. 2021, “Fauna Peruana de Johann Jakob von Tschudi. Ciencia y saberes indígenas en la era del guano.” Maria-Sybilla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, Ibero-Amerikanische Institut, Berlin. (invited talk)

Mai 2020, “Johann Jakob von Tschudi y su expedición en Perú (1838-1842).” Seminario Internacional de Historia Global. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú. (invited talk)

Jan. 2020, “América Latina en St. Gallen: archivos de Johann Jakob von Tschudi en la Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana”. Swiss School of Latin American Studies Conference. Univ. St. Gallen. (invited talk)

Oct. 2019, “Reassembling Swiss-Latin American collections: the case of Johann Jakob von Tschudi’s travels in Peru (1838-1842) and the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel.” Biodiversity in South America: Collection-based work on extinct, wild & domesticated animals. Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich. (invited talk)

June 2019,  “Geopolíticas de la memoria material entre Bolivia y Suiza: la repatriación de la illa del Ekeko desde el Museo Histórico de Berna”. Presencias y transformaciones del patrimonio material indígena, Conferencia Las Américas, University of Bonn. (invited talk)

June 2019,  “Gunpowder for science: Johann Jakob von Tschudi's hunting in Nineteenth-Century Latin America”. Wahrheitspraktiken, Forschungskolloquium zur Wissenschaftsgechichte, University of Erfurt. (invited talk)

Mai 2019, “Gotha cartography and Swiss entanglements in nineteenth century’s Latin America: Johann Jakob von Tschudi’s voyages and his publications in the Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen”. Mappings: Spatial and New Cartography History. Research Center Gotha. (invited talk)



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